digital art article 8 answers will be appreciated

Photography using film is fast being replaced by digital photography using pixels that is viewed electronically through computers and cell phones. In this lesson, we will discuss photography as an artwork, digital art and installation art.

A photograph is a two-dimensional representation of people, events, objects or any three-dimensional form. It is the art of recording images through a camera through the use of film and printing them on photographic paper through a chemical process.

SOLUTION: Art Appreciation Presentation 2 - Digital Art Article 8 Answers Will Be Appreciated

Advertising photography illustrates a service or product. These images are generally done with an advertising agency, design firm or with an in-house corporate design.

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The equipment used by the photographer:  Camera, photographic camera – equipment for taking photographs (usually consisting of a lightproof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive at the other)  Clapperboard – photographic equipment used to synchronize sound and motion picture, boards held in front of a movie camera are banged together  Developer consists of a chemical solution for developing film  Enlarger – consists of an optical projector used to enlarge a photograph  Flash bulb, flash lamp, flashgun, photoflash, flash – a lamp providing momentary light to take a photograph  Flood lamp, floodlight, photoflood, flood – light that is source of artificial illumination having a broad beam, used in photography  Exposure meter, light meter, photometer – photographic equipment that measures the intensity of light  Photographic material, photographic paper – light-sensitive paper on which photograph can be printed  Sensitometer – a measuring instrument for measuring the light sensitivity of film over a range of exposures.

Photography uses film that comes in cartridge rolls that are easily mounted inside the camera box. Today, the material used in photography has evolved from film to digital. Digital photography emerged through technological developments in computer systems. Images are recorded instantly, which may be viewed in the camera, LCD or through the computer. These images may be printed through the computer printer on special printing paper or on a plain bond paper.

The use and application of digitized or computer media in making digital art has definitely made a new language requirement as new forms are created without referent within the digital world.

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The computer is the essential medium or tool for this art. One of the strongest points of this tool is its seemingly limitless digital capability to reposition, combine, filter, color, alter and produce new images within the friction-less and seamless space of its memory. The computer has endowed the artist with >effortless? image-making freedom never before imagined.

Digital photography. The artist uses a digital or conventional camera. The photographs are digitized and translated to the computer environment where the artist uses image editing and special effects software to perform darkroom type manipulations.

Photo Painting. This combines the disciplines of photography and painting. The artist uses image editing and paint software to go beyond dark room techniques to add further expression to the image.

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Digital Collage. This is a technique of combining many images from varying sources into one image. This is most commonly achieved by the use of layering techniques in image editing and paint software.

Integrated Digital Art. This is the

Cameras have many different shapes and sizes that exact buttons and features may vary. However, there are few basic parts that almost all cameras have.

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Objects that are closer or farther away will be out of focus. This is good for close-ups.  Deeper depth of field means more of the photo will be in focus. If you are taking a landscape, you need a deeper depth of field so that distant or foreground objects will all be in focus.  Scene mode is geared toward a specific situation or scene.  For sports scene mode, use a faster shutter speed and it may use motion detection to help reduce blur  Portrait scene mode is designed to easily focus on your subject, and it also adjusts the color balance so skin tone looks as natural as possible. If you don?t use a scene mode, your camera will make automatic adjustments to try to make the photo look good. For successful photos, use the scene modes.

This art creates 2D images today in the computer virtual environment with the use of painting tools that emulate natural media styles.

Ada Yang Bisa Bantu?? Dikumpulin Nya Besokk​ - Digital Art Article 8 Answers Will Be Appreciated

Installation Art is a genre that refers to temporary constructions or assemblages made of varied materials that are structured within a space.

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Reeds, tree branches, rocks, textiles, plastics, empty match boxes, dead batteries, rope and machines-working and not working are among the endless possibilities that are used or assembled in three-dimensions to make up an installation work.

These are set up in ordinary spaces such as a wide-open ground, a street, a corridor, a backroom or even a prison cell, in contrast to the limited gallery niches allotted to traditional art objects.

In favor of their strong conceptualist tendencies and by the very nature of the materials and processes involved to create them, as well as the spatial reconstructions within which they are assembled, installations do not seek permanence that typify traditional single art objects. In fact, most of them have quick turnover.

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Space is one of the most important elements in installation works. It is used to convey a new environment, which turns into context. Most installations enjoin the participation of the viewer to complete the work, and to drive its meaning.Ebhrfbr—s Fhnb1 Ebsskf ]dteb1Yheubs 1Zbibrbfgb/s1]bhg`br1Ghvb Shdftdfls tk Mdldthe HrtHpprbgdhtb t`b `dstkry ki hrtMdldthe Hrt df S`ktks`kp, DftbrfbtZby Hrt`ur H. ]krrbs (34298=22=03)Lrhmb Ebvbe 1 0 Nkmueb Fk. 1 : Xuhrtbr 1 8 \\bbo 1 :  Hgtdvdty Fk. 1 :

]`b ebhrfbrs s`hee jb hjeb tk mbidfb hrt, mdsguss t`b mdiibrbft purpksb ki phdftdfl hfm dmbftdiy t`b mdiibrbft nbt`kms, tbg`fdqubs, hfm nkvbnbfts df hrt hfm phdftdfl.

Section 6: Overall Impact Of Technology On The Arts - Digital Art Article 8 Answers Will Be Appreciated

 Rsdfl ykur ofkwebmlb df trhfsphrbft hfm kphqub tbg`fdqubs, g`kksb ykur mbsdrbm phdftdfl tbg`fdqubs hfm mrhw hf kjabgt t`ht rbprbsbfts ykur mrbhn kr 

Pdf) How Art Is Appreciated

]`b rkkts ki phdftdfl ghf jb trhgbm jhgo tk prb`dstkrdg ghvb hrt, w`dg` gkfsdsts ki  pdgturbs mrhwf kf ghvb whees usdfl fhturhe pdlnbfts. ]`rkul` t`b ybhrs, mdiibrbftstyebs, nbmduns, hfm tbg`fdqubs `hvb bvkevbm, dfieubfgbm jy skgdhe g`hflbs hfm`dstkrdghe bvbfts.

Hf hrtdstdg wkro kr prhgtdgb t`ht usbs mdldthe tbg`fkekly hs phrt ki t`b grbhtdvb kr  prbsbfthtdkf prkgbss. Wdfgb t`b 84 93s, vhrdkus fhnbs `hvb jbbf usbm tk m bsgrdjb t`b prkgbss, dfgeumdfl gknputbr hrt hfm nuetdnbmdh hrt.

Wdfgb t`bf, t`b skitwhrb `hs jbgknb t`b dfmustry sthfmhrm fkt kfey df rhstbr lrhp`dgs bmdtdfl, jut df mdldthe hrt hs h w`keb.

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Dmbftdiy t`b hrt styeb t`ht ghf jb ikufm df t`b thjeb. Dt ghf jb `krdzkfthe kr vbrtdghe df ikrn. Bfgdrgeb ykur hfswbr.ZBFH D W WHFGB NJHZKXRB]ZLHJW]ZHG]HBK F N B M D B Y H E H E F X W M R K E S W E DBZ]ZR]KJF D W ZKNHF] D G D WN D SKSHZ]PENH WRZZBHE D WNZ  N\\QBHGRJ D WN

 (G`bgodfl ikr Rfmbrsthfmdfl, @K]W) G`kksb kfb (8) Hrt styeb t`ht yku edob t`b nkst, wdt` t`ht hrt styeb s`kw ykur hrtdstdg sdmb t`ht bxprbssbs ykur  pbrskfhedty, g`hrhgtbr kr bnktdkf. Rsb hfkt`br s`bbt ki phpbr. Jb grbhtdvb hfm bxgbbm ny bxpbgthtdkf. (83 pkdfts)

PDF) Wonder, Appreciation, And The Value Of Art - Digital Art Article 8 Answers Will Be Appreciated

Nhtg` t`b mbsgrdptdkf df Gkeunf H tk t`b hrt styeb df Gkeunf J. G`kksb t`b ebttbr ki t`b gkrrbgt hfswbr   hfm wrdtb dt kf t`b

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 [[[ 8. Wkedm kutedfbs hfm ibw gkekrs H. Nbmdbvhe Hrt [[[ :. Ieht gkekrs hfm bekflhtbm hfhtkny J. Zbfhdsshfgb [[[ 7. Jhehfgbm hfm rbhedstdg G. Hfgdbft Lrbbo  [[[ =. Wtrhdfbm, bekflhtbm hfm vdvdm M. Dnprbssdkfdsn [[[ 2. Mrhnhtdg hfm lrhfmdksb B. Zbhedsn [[[ 9. Bnktdkfhe hfm ebss prbgdsb stkobs I. Hjstrhgt [[[ <. Zbhedstdg L. Zknhftdgdsn [[[ 0. Ydsdjeb strkobs @. Jhrkqub [[[ 4. Mkbs fkt gkfikrn tk vdsuhe rbhedty D. Gujdsn

Rsdfl t`b Ybff mdhlrhn, wrdtb t`b mdiibrbft g`hrhgtbrdstdgs ki Hrt Wtyeb t`rkul` hlbs hfm Hmkjb S`ktks`kp, df t`b gbftbr wrdtb t`bdr sdndehrdtdbs. \\rdtb ht ebhst 7-2 mdiibrbfgbs hfm sdndehrdtdbs.

Nhob ykur kwf Ybff mdhlrhn usdfl hfkt`br s`bbt ki gebhf ekfl jkfm phpbr. Ikeekw t`b bxhnpeb jbekw.  Hrt Wtyeb hfm Hmkjb S`ktks`kp Hrt Wtyeb Hmkjb S`ktks`kpPolitics & PolicyInternational AffairsImmigration & MigrationRace & EthnicityReligionGenerations & AgeGender & LGBTQFamily & RelationshipsEconomy & WorkScienceInternet & TechnologyNews Habits & MediaMethodological ResearchFull topic list

Solution: Art Appreciation Presentation 2

The arts organizations represented in the survey tend to agree with the notions that the internet and social media have “increased engagement” and made art a more participatory experience, and that they have helped make “arts audiences more diverse.” They also tend to agree that the internet has “played a major role in broadening the boundaries of what is considered art.”

Yet at the same time, the majority of arts organizations surveyed also thought that mobile devices, ringing cell phones and texting create “significant disruptions” to live performances, and that technology contributes to an expectation that “all digital content should be free.” Survey respondents were split regarding their opinions of whether technology had negatively impacted audience attention spans for live performance, but they uniformly disagree that it has “diluted the arts” by opening new pathways to arts participation and arts criticism.

Art Appreciation - Digital Art Article 8 Answers Will Be Appreciated

Despite comments in open-ended responses, only 35% of respondents agree with the statement that the internet has shifted arts organizations’ focus towards marketing and promotion, Appreciation Plaque 8x10